Education & Livelihood

Education & Livelihood

Number of lives impacted: 4,45,161

NPCI is committed to furthering the cause of education and livelihood amongst the underprivileged and disadvantaged communities of India, to create a safe and holistic environment that ensures inclusivity and improves children’s academic performance. NPCI aims to create a sustainable impact on education by focusing on a) Enrolment and retention of children b) Safe and engaging school infrastructure and c) improving learning outcomes of children.
NPCI is also focusing on providing sustainable livelihood opportunities for unemployed youth by developing them into skilled and motivated workforce. NPCI is proud to collaborate with some of India’s leading NGOs to fulfil these endeavours.

Improving Enrollment-Retention-Learning of children- Educate Girls
Foundational Learning Program - Pratham Education Foundation
Mid Day Meal Program- The Akshaya Patra Foundation
School transformation program- Learning Links Foundation
Mini Science center - Seva Sahayog foundation
Career guidance and skill development - Orion education society
Sustainable Playground for Children
Field stories
Dreams to be a changemaker - Educate Girls

14-year-old Anita comes from a remote village in Singrauli that is plagued with issues of alcoholism and illegal activities. Fearing the fate of her own family being defeated by these social evils, Anita dreams of getting educated and becoming a change maker for her village. As one of the Girl Leaders in Bal Sabha (Adolescent Girls Program run by Educate Girls), Anita was known for her enthusiasm and motivation to learn and make a difference. However, once a class topper, she was forced into household chores and was on verge of dropping out from school during the pandemic.

Educate Girls’ field Coordinator Savitri noticed Anita’s absence in the school. Savitri visited Anita’s family to know the reasons. Upon probing she realized that Anita’s family deemed her education to be unimportant as they had limited means and needed help at home. Savitri’s persistent visits convinced them to enrol Anita into Navodaya Vidyalaya that gives free-of-cost schooling to girls who clear their entrance test. Savitri also helped Anita prepare for the test that she passed with flying colors and got admitted in Grade 9.

Anita now walks 2kms daily to school and never misses a day to learn. “I am extremely thankful for all the support I got to continue my studies. I want to be a teacher so that I can change the future of the children of my village and take them back on the right path,” says Anita.


Anita with friends at school science laboratory

From a mother to a mentor - Pratham Education Foundation

Smt. Sharda belongs to Salhetola village of Charama block in Kanker District of Chhattisgarh. Agriculture is the primary occupation of people living in Charama. Sharda is a mother of a child in Primary grade. In one of the initial visits by the Pratham team, she was introduced to the Foundational Learning program. She had become part of the Mother's’ group in her neighbourhood. Mother's’ group are group of 3-5 Mother's of children aging between 3-6 yrs.

They come together and are trained about simple activities that can be conducted with their children which helps Mother's to be more effectively involved with their children. She had been a member but was hesitant to become group leader due to her educational qualification. Pratham team encouraged her and made her realise that she could help other Mother's in the group to do better. She started realising her potential and agreed to become the group leader.

She not only understood her roles and responsibilities but also encouraged and supported other Mother's to join group in large numbers. Now Sharda has become an important part of the village in creating awareness in her village.

She shares that, "…if my small effort is increasing the strength of children and confidence in Mother's, then that is my biggest achievement…”

Sharda leading the mothers' group discussion

Sharda conducting group activities with other mothers from the village

Beating the unemployment - Orion Educational society

Shanti Netam hails from Bastar, Chhattisgarh. Her family comprises of five members–mother, father, sister, brother and herself. Her father required someone to support his family financially along with him. Though Shanti had studied till 12th std, she was unemployed and was feeling hopeless for not being able to support her father.

She Heard about NPCI’s training program from an Orion educational society’s member who had visited her village. Shanti spoke to the member and eventually joined the fellowship program. The training helped her learn skills in digital literacy, customer handling etc in 3 months. The friendly learning environment encouraged her and helped her shape her life. Today she is employed and is able to help her family with her income.

Shanti Netam Success Story

Shanti Netam

Science teaching in laboratory - Seva Sahayog Foundation

Sharad Kumar Pandey, an innovative and enthusiastic science teacher from Shahpur Government High school at Waidan - Singrauli District in Madhya Pradesh has attended teacher professional training organised by Seva Sahayog Foundation (SSF).

Mr. Sharad, with vast experience under his belt, has been trying to improvise and innovate teaching styles in science to make it more appealing and meaningful to students but it had been a real challenge without practical and visual aids.

Seva Sahayog Foundation in partnership with NPCI has established mini science centres in 50 schools in Singrauli district with Mr. Sharad’s school being one among them. The mini science center has helped Mr. Sharad transform his classroom into active learning centres. He has successfully used the Mini Science center to provide practical knowledge and hands on experience to students and kindling their curiosity in science.

Students at science lab

Library room cultivating the habit of reading- Learning Links Foundation

Learning outside the classroom emphasizes personality development, and libraries are the biggest catalyst in making them know the world better. National Payments Corporation of India are implementing an innovative program, the School Transformation Project, supported by Learning Links Foundation. As a part of this, libraries are being set up in 50 Zilla Parishad Upper Primary schools in the two aspirational districts of Washim and Gadchiroli in Maharashtra.

Aavruti Ambade is a class 7 student of ZPPS Sakhra in Gadchiroli district. The library set up as part of the School Transformation Project is first library she has ever entered. An ardent reader, Aavruti spends her free time in the library. “I love reading books. I am very happy that the facility has come up in our school,” she says. To encourage students to use the library better, the project team conducts various activities like National Reading Day, read aloud and story-telling, of which Aavruti is an enthusiastic participant. She also participated in the various events activities.

The Head Mistress of the school, Smt. Pimpale is thrilled to see her students acquire reading habits and has ensured that one period per week will be devoted to visiting the library. All the students are

School library

Students Reading in library