Merchant Category Code


POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Dec'24
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Dec'24
Classification MCC Description
High Transacting Categories 5541 Service Stations(with out Ancillary services)
5411 Grocery Stores, Supermarkets
5812 Eating Places and Restaurants
9399 Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified
5921 Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor
5311 Department Stores
5699 Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores
8062 Hospitals
5912 Drug Stores and Pharmacies
4111 Local/Suburbn Commuter Passngr Transport/Ferries
Medium Transacting Categories 5813 Drinking Places (Alcoholic Bev) - Bars, Taverns
5651 Family Clothing Stores
5944 Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware Stores
7011 Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts
5691 Men's and Women's Clothing Stores
5814 Fast Food Restaurants
5462 Bakeries
5732 Radio, Television and Stereo Stores
5661 Shoe Stores
4812 Telecomm Equipment including Telephone Sales
All Other Categories 5499 Misc Food/Convenience Stores/Speciality Markets
4900 Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water
4814 Telecommunication Services
5722 Household Appliance Stores
8299 Schools and Educational Services
7832 Motion Pictures Theaters
5047 Dental/Laboratory/Medical/Ophthalmic Hospital Supp
5137 Men's, Women's, And Children's Uniforms
5511 Auto and Truck Dealers(new and used) Sales,Service
4112 Passenger Railways
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Dec'24
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Dec'24
Classification MCC Description
High Transacting Categories 4900 Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water
9399 Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified
5411 Grocery Stores, Supermarkets
4112 Passenger Railways
5399 Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores
5699 Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores
4814 Telecommunication Services
6300 Insurance - Sales and Underwriting
5816 Digital Goods: Games
6540 Debit Card to wallet Credit
Medium Transacting Categories 5814 Fast Food Restaurants
7399 Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified
8220 Colleges,Universities,Professional Schools and Jr
6513 Real Estate Agents and Managers - Rentals
8299 Schools and Educational Services
4784 Toll and Bridge Fees
6012 Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services
7832 Motion Pictures Theaters
4722 Travel Agencies
4899 Cable/Satellite/Other Pay Television/ Radio Srvcs
All Other Categories 8211 Elementary and Secondary Schools
5812 Eating Places and Restaurants
5817 Digital Good - Applications (Excluding Games)
7372 Computer and Data Processing Services
9311 Tax Payments
5311 Department Stores
4131 Bus Lines
5732 Radio, Television and Stereo Stores
5651 Family Clothing Stores
5691 Men's and Women's Clothing Stores


  • Category classification is made in terms of Approved RuPay transaction Volume.
  • High Transacting Categories: Top 10 MCCs
  • Medium Transacting Categories: Next 10 MCCs
  • All Other Categories: Next 9 MCCs along with all other MCCs clubbed under 'Others'
  • MCC Description is with reference to ISO 18245:2003 standard