POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Dec'24 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations(with out Ancillary services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5912 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies | |
4111 | Local/Suburbn Commuter Passngr Transport/Ferries | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5813 | Drinking Places (Alcoholic Bev) - Bars, Taverns |
5651 | Family Clothing Stores | |
5944 | Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware Stores | |
7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts | |
5691 | Men's and Women's Clothing Stores | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5462 | Bakeries | |
5732 | Radio, Television and Stereo Stores | |
5661 | Shoe Stores | |
4812 | Telecomm Equipment including Telephone Sales | |
All Other Categories | 5499 | Misc Food/Convenience Stores/Speciality Markets |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
4814 | Telecommunication Services | |
5722 | Household Appliance Stores | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
5047 | Dental/Laboratory/Medical/Ophthalmic Hospital Supp | |
5137 | Men's, Women's, And Children's Uniforms | |
5511 | Auto and Truck Dealers(new and used) Sales,Service | |
4112 | Passenger Railways |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Dec'24 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water |
9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
4814 | Telecommunication Services | |
6300 | Insurance - Sales and Underwriting | |
5816 | Digital Goods: Games | |
6540 | Debit Card to wallet Credit | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5814 | Fast Food Restaurants |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
8220 | Colleges,Universities,Professional Schools and Jr | |
6513 | Real Estate Agents and Managers - Rentals | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
4784 | Toll and Bridge Fees | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
4722 | Travel Agencies | |
4899 | Cable/Satellite/Other Pay Television/ Radio Srvcs | |
All Other Categories | 8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
5817 | Digital Good - Applications (Excluding Games) | |
7372 | Computer and Data Processing Services | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
4131 | Bus Lines | |
5732 | Radio, Television and Stereo Stores | |
5651 | Family Clothing Stores | |
5691 | Men's and Women's Clothing Stores |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Nov'24 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations(with out Ancillary services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
5912 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies | |
5813 | Drinking Places (Alcoholic Bev) - Bars, Taverns | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 4111 | Local/Suburbn Commuter Passngr Transport/Ferries |
5944 | Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware Stores | |
5651 | Family Clothing Stores | |
5691 | Men's and Women's Clothing Stores | |
7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5732 | Radio, Television and Stereo Stores | |
5661 | Shoe Stores | |
5462 | Bakeries | |
4812 | Telecomm Equipment including Telephone Sales | |
All Other Categories | 5499 | Misc Food/Convenience Stores/Speciality Markets |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
5722 | Household Appliance Stores | |
4814 | Telecommunication Services | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
5047 | Dental/Laboratory/Medical/Ophthalmic Hospital Supp | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
5137 | Men's, Women's, And Children's Uniforms | |
5094 | Precious Stones And Metals, Watches And Jewelry | |
5511 | Auto and Truck Dealers(new and used) Sales,Service |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Nov'24 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water |
9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
4784 | Toll and Bridge Fees | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores | |
4814 | Telecommunication Services | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
5816 | Digital Goods: Games | |
6540 | Debit Card to wallet Credit | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 6300 | Insurance - Sales and Underwriting |
8220 | Colleges,Universities,Professional Schools and Jr | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
6513 | Real Estate Agents and Managers - Rentals | |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services | |
4789 | Transportation Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
4722 | Travel Agencies | |
All Other Categories | 4899 | Cable/Satellite/Other Pay Television/ Radio Srvcs |
8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
5817 | Digital Good - Applications (Excluding Games) | |
5732 | Radio, Television and Stereo Stores | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
7372 | Computer and Data Processing Services | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
4131 | Bus Lines | |
5651 | Family Clothing Stores |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Oct'24 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations(with out Ancillary services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5912 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies | |
5813 | Drinking Places (Alcoholic Bev) - Bars, Taverns | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 4111 | Local/Suburbn Commuter Passngr Transport/Ferries |
5651 | Family Clothing Stores | |
5944 | Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware Stores | |
5691 | Men's and Women's Clothing Stores | |
7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5732 | Radio, Television and Stereo Stores | |
4812 | Telecomm Equipment including Telephone Sales | |
5462 | Bakeries | |
5499 | Misc Food/Convenience Stores/Speciality Markets | |
All Other Categories | 5661 | Shoe Stores |
5722 | Household Appliance Stores | |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
5137 | Men's, Women's, And Children's Uniforms | |
5983 | Fuel dealers — fuel oil, wood, coal and liquefied petroleum | |
5047 | Dental/Laboratory/Medical/Ophthalmic Hospital Supp | |
4814 | Telecommunication Services | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
5094 | Precious Stones And Metals, Watches And Jewelry | |
5441 | Candy, Nut, Confectionery Stores |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Oct'24 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
4784 | Toll and Bridge Fees | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
4814 | Telecommunication Services | |
6540 | Debit Card to wallet Credit | |
5816 | Digital Goods: Games | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 6300 | Insurance - Sales and Underwriting |
8220 | Colleges,Universities,Professional Schools and Jr | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
6513 | Real Estate Agents and Managers - Rentals | |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
4789 | Transportation Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services | |
8241 | Correspondence Schools | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
4899 | Cable/Satellite/Other Pay Television/ Radio Srvcs | |
All Other Categories | 4722 | Travel Agencies |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
5651 | Family Clothing Stores | |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
5817 | Digital Good - Applications (Excluding Games) | |
8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools | |
5964 | Direct Marketing--Catalog Merchants | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
5732 | Radio, Television and Stereo Stores |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Sep'24 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations(with out Ancillary services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5912 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
5813 | Drinking Places (Alcoholic Bev) - Bars, Taverns | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 4111 | Local/Suburbn Commuter Passngr Transport/Ferries |
5651 | Family Clothing Stores | |
5944 | Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware Stores | |
7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts | |
5691 | Men's and Women's Clothing Stores | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5732 | Radio, Television and Stereo Stores | |
5462 | Bakeries | |
5499 | Misc Food/Convenience Stores/Speciality Markets | |
4812 | Telecomm Equipment including Telephone Sales | |
All Other Categories | 5661 | Shoe Stores |
5983 | Fuel dealers — fuel oil, wood, coal and liquefied petroleum | |
5722 | Household Appliance Stores | |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
5047 | Dental/Laboratory/Medical/Ophthalmic Hospital Supp | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
4814 | Telecommunication Services | |
5137 | Men's, Women's, And Children's Uniforms | |
4112 | Passenger Railways |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Sep'24 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water |
9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores | |
4784 | Toll and Bridge Fees | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
4814 | Telecommunication Services | |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
6540 | Debit Card to wallet Credit | |
5816 | Digital Goods: Games | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 6300 | Insurance - Sales and Underwriting |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
6513 | Real Estate Agents and Managers - Rentals | |
8220 | Colleges,Universities,Professional Schools and Jr | |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services | |
4789 | Transportation Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
4899 | Cable/Satellite/Other Pay Television/ Radio Srvcs | |
4722 | Travel Agencies | |
All Other Categories | 7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
5651 | Family Clothing Stores | |
5817 | Digital Good - Applications (Excluding Games) | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools | |
5964 | Direct Marketing--Catalog Merchants | |
4215 | Courier Services - Air/Ground/Freight Forward | |
5732 | Radio, Television and Stereo Stores | |
7512 | Automobile Rental and Leasing |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Aug'24 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations(with out Ancillary services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
5912 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies | |
5813 | Drinking Places (Alcoholic Bev) - Bars, Taverns | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5651 | Family Clothing Stores |
5944 | Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware Stores | |
4111 | Local/Suburbn Commuter Passngr Transport/Ferries | |
7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts | |
5691 | Men's and Women's Clothing Stores | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5732 | Radio, Television and Stereo Stores | |
5462 | Bakeries | |
4812 | Telecomm Equipment including Telephone Sales | |
5499 | Misc Food/Convenience Stores/Speciality Markets | |
All Other Categories | 5661 | Shoe Stores |
5722 | Household Appliance Stores | |
5983 | Fuel dealers — fuel oil, wood, coal and liquefied petroleum | |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
5047 | Dental/Laboratory/Medical/Ophthalmic Hospital Supp | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
5137 | Men's, Women's, And Children's Uniforms | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
4112 | Passenger Railways |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Aug'24 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water |
9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores | |
4784 | Toll and Bridge Fees | |
4814 | Telecommunication Services | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5816 | Digital Goods: Games | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 6540 | Debit Card to wallet Credit |
6513 | Real Estate Agents and Managers - Rentals | |
6300 | Insurance - Sales and Underwriting | |
8220 | Colleges,Universities,Professional Schools and Jr | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services | |
4789 | Transportation Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
4899 | Cable/Satellite/Other Pay Television/ Radio Srvcs | |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
4722 | Travel Agencies | |
All Other Categories | 5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
5817 | Digital Good - Applications (Excluding Games) | |
5651 | Family Clothing Stores | |
8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools | |
7361 | Employment Agencies, Temporary Help Services | |
4131 | Bus Lines | |
4215 | Courier Services - Air/Ground/Freight Forward | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
8244 | Business and Secretarial Schools |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Jul'24 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations(with out Ancillary services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
5813 | Drinking Places (Alcoholic Bev) - Bars, Taverns | |
5912 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5651 | Family Clothing Stores |
5944 | Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware Stores | |
7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5691 | Men's and Women's Clothing Stores | |
4111 | Local/Suburbn Commuter Passngr Transport/Ferries | |
5732 | Radio, Television and Stereo Stores | |
5462 | Bakeries | |
5499 | Misc Food/Convenience Stores/Speciality Markets | |
5722 | Household Appliance Stores | |
All Other Categories | 4812 | Telecomm Equipment including Telephone Sales |
5661 | Shoe Stores | |
5983 | Fuel dealers — fuel oil, wood, coal and liquefied petroleum | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
5047 | Dental/Laboratory/Medical/Ophthalmic Hospital Supp | |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
5137 | Men's, Women's, And Children's Uniforms | |
4112 | Passenger Railways |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Jul'24 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores | |
4814 | Telecommunication Services | |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
5816 | Digital Goods: Games | |
8220 | Colleges,Universities,Professional Schools and Jr | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
6540 | Debit Card to wallet Credit | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores |
6300 | Insurance - Sales and Underwriting | |
6513 | Real Estate Agents and Managers - Rentals | |
4784 | Toll and Bridge Fees | |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services | |
4722 | Travel Agencies | |
4899 | Cable/Satellite/Other Pay Television/ Radio Srvcs | |
4789 | Transportation Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
All Other Categories | 8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
5817 | Digital Good - Applications (Excluding Games) | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5651 | Family Clothing Stores | |
4215 | Courier Services - Air/Ground/Freight Forward | |
4121 | Taxicabs and Limousines | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
4131 | Bus Lines |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Jun'24 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations(with out Ancillary services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
5813 | Drinking Places (Alcoholic Bev) - Bars, Taverns | |
5912 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5651 | Family Clothing Stores |
7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts | |
5944 | Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware Stores | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5691 | Men's and Women's Clothing Stores | |
5732 | Radio, Television and Stereo Stores | |
5462 | Bakeries | |
5499 | Misc Food/Convenience Stores/Speciality Markets | |
5661 | Shoe Stores | |
4812 | Telecomm Equipment including Telephone Sales | |
All Other Categories | 5722 | Household Appliance Stores |
5983 | Fuel dealers — fuel oil, wood, coal and liquefied petroleum | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
4111 | Local/Suburbn Commuter Passngr Transport/Ferries | |
5047 | Dental/Laboratory/Medical/Ophthalmic Hospital Supp | |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
5137 | Men's, Women's, And Children's Uniforms | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
4112 | Passenger Railways |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Jun'24 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores | |
4814 | Telecommunication Services | |
5816 | Digital Goods: Games | |
6540 | Debit Card to wallet Credit | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 4784 | Toll and Bridge Fees |
6513 | Real Estate Agents and Managers - Rentals | |
6300 | Insurance - Sales and Underwriting | |
8220 | Colleges,Universities,Professional Schools and Jr | |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services | |
4722 | Travel Agencies | |
4899 | Cable/Satellite/Other Pay Television/ Radio Srvcs | |
4789 | Transportation Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
All Other Categories | 5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants |
5817 | Digital Good - Applications (Excluding Games) | |
8244 | Business and Secretarial Schools | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
5651 | Family Clothing Stores | |
8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools | |
4121 | Taxicabs and Limousines | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5969 | Direct Marketing--Other Direct Marketers | |
4215 | Courier Services - Air/Ground/Freight Forward |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - May'24 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations(with out Ancillary services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
5813 | Drinking Places (Alcoholic Bev) - Bars, Taverns | |
5912 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5651 | Family Clothing Stores |
5944 | Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware Stores | |
7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5732 | Radio, Television and Stereo Stores | |
5691 | Men's and Women's Clothing Stores | |
5462 | Bakeries | |
5499 | Misc Food/Convenience Stores/Speciality Markets | |
4812 | Telecomm Equipment including Telephone Sales | |
5661 | Shoe Stores | |
All Other Categories | 5722 | Household Appliance Stores |
5983 | Fuel dealers — fuel oil, wood, coal and liquefied petroleum | |
5047 | Dental/Laboratory/Medical/Ophthalmic Hospital Supp | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
5137 | Men's, Women's, And Children's Uniforms | |
4111 | Local/Suburbn Commuter Passngr Transport/Ferries | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - May'24 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
5816 | Digital Goods: Games | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores | |
4814 | Telecommunication Services | |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
6540 | Debit Card to wallet Credit | |
8220 | Colleges,Universities,Professional Schools and Jr | |
4784 | Toll and Bridge Fees | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5814 | Fast Food Restaurants |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
6513 | Real Estate Agents and Managers - Rentals | |
6300 | Insurance - Sales and Underwriting | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
4722 | Travel Agencies | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services | |
4899 | Cable/Satellite/Other Pay Television/ Radio Srvcs | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
All Other Categories | 8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools |
4789 | Transportation Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5817 | Digital Good - Applications (Excluding Games) | |
4121 | Taxicabs and Limousines | |
5969 | Direct Marketing--Other Direct Marketers | |
5651 | Family Clothing Stores | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
4215 | Courier Services - Air/Ground/Freight Forward | |
4131 | Bus Lines |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Apr'24 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations(with out Ancillary services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5813 | Drinking Places (Alcoholic Bev) - Bars, Taverns | |
5912 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5651 | Family Clothing Stores |
5944 | Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware Stores | |
7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5691 | Men's and Women's Clothing Stores | |
5732 | Radio, Television and Stereo Stores | |
5499 | Misc Food/Convenience Stores/Speciality Markets | |
5462 | Bakeries | |
5661 | Shoe Stores | |
5722 | Household Appliance Stores | |
All Other Categories | 4812 | Telecomm Equipment including Telephone Sales |
5983 | Fuel dealers — fuel oil, wood, coal and liquefied petroleum | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
5047 | Dental/Laboratory/Medical/Ophthalmic Hospital Supp | |
5137 | Men's, Women's, And Children's Uniforms | |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
4112 | Passenger Railways |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Apr'24 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
5816 | Digital Goods: Games | |
4814 | Telecommunication Services | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
8220 | Colleges,Universities,Professional Schools and Jr | |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
6540 | Debit Card to wallet Credit | |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 6513 | Real Estate Agents and Managers - Rentals |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
6300 | Insurance - Sales and Underwriting | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
4784 | Toll and Bridge Fees | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services | |
4899 | Cable/Satellite/Other Pay Television/ Radio Srvcs | |
4722 | Travel Agencies | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
All Other Categories | 8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools |
5817 | Digital Good - Applications (Excluding Games) | |
5969 | Direct Marketing--Other Direct Marketers | |
4121 | Taxicabs and Limousines | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
4789 | Transportation Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
5651 | Family Clothing Stores | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
4215 | Courier Services - Air/Ground/Freight Forward |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Mar'24 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations(with out Ancillary services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
5813 | Drinking Places (Alcoholic Bev) - Bars, Taverns | |
5912 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5651 | Family Clothing Stores |
7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts | |
5944 | Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware Stores | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5691 | Men's and Women's Clothing Stores | |
5732 | Radio, Television and Stereo Stores | |
5462 | Bakeries | |
5499 | Misc Food/Convenience Stores/Speciality Markets | |
5661 | Shoe Stores | |
4812 | Telecomm Equipment including Telephone Sales | |
All Other Categories | 5983 | Fuel dealers — fuel oil, wood, coal and liquefied petroleum |
5722 | Household Appliance Stores | |
5047 | Dental/Laboratory/Medical/Ophthalmic Hospital Supp | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
5137 | Men's, Women's, And Children's Uniforms | |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
4111 | Local/Suburbn Commuter Passngr Transport/Ferries | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
8999 | Professional Services, Not Elsewhere Classified |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Mar'24 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
5816 | Digital Goods: Games | |
4814 | Telecommunication Services | |
6540 | Debit Card to wallet Credit | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
6513 | Real Estate Agents and Managers - Rentals | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 6300 | Insurance - Sales and Underwriting |
8220 | Colleges,Universities,Professional Schools and Jr | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services | |
4899 | Cable/Satellite/Other Pay Television/ Radio Srvcs | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
4784 | Toll and Bridge Fees | |
4722 | Travel Agencies | |
All Other Categories | 4789 | Transportation Services, Not Elsewhere Classified |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
5969 | Direct Marketing--Other Direct Marketers | |
5817 | Digital Good - Applications (Excluding Games) | |
4121 | Taxicabs and Limousines | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5651 | Family Clothing Stores | |
5964 | Direct Marketing--Catalog Merchants | |
8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools | |
4215 | Courier Services - Air/Ground/Freight Forward |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Feb'24 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations(with out Ancillary services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5813 | Drinking Places (Alcoholic Bev) - Bars, Taverns | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
5912 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5651 | Family Clothing Stores |
5944 | Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware Stores | |
7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5691 | Men's and Women's Clothing Stores | |
5732 | Radio, Television and Stereo Stores | |
4111 | Local/Suburbn Commuter Passngr Transport/Ferries | |
5462 | Bakeries | |
5499 | Misc Food/Convenience Stores/Speciality Markets | |
5661 | Shoe Stores | |
All Other Categories | 4812 | Telecomm Equipment including Telephone Sales |
5983 | Fuel dealers — fuel oil, wood, coal and liquefied petroleum | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
5722 | Household Appliance Stores | |
5047 | Dental/Laboratory/Medical/Ophthalmic Hospital Supp | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
5137 | Men's, Women's, And Children's Uniforms | |
4112 | Passenger Railways |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Feb'24 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
6540 | Debit Card to wallet Credit | |
4814 | Telecommunication Services | |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores | |
5816 | Digital Goods: Games | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
6513 | Real Estate Agents and Managers - Rentals | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 6300 | Insurance - Sales and Underwriting |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
8220 | Colleges,Universities,Professional Schools and Jr | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services | |
4784 | Toll and Bridge Fees | |
4899 | Cable/Satellite/Other Pay Television/ Radio Srvcs | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
5964 | Direct Marketing--Catalog Merchants | |
All Other Categories | 4722 | Travel Agencies |
8999 | Professional Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools | |
4121 | Taxicabs and Limousines | |
4131 | Bus Lines | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
5817 | Digital Good - Applications (Excluding Games) | |
5969 | Direct Marketing--Other Direct Marketers | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
4215 | Courier Services - Air/Ground/Freight Forward |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Jan'24 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations(with out Ancillary services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
5813 | Drinking Places (Alcoholic Bev) - Bars, Taverns | |
5912 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5651 | Family Clothing Stores |
5944 | Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware Stores | |
7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5691 | Men's and Women's Clothing Stores | |
4111 | Local/Suburbn Commuter Passngr Transport/Ferries | |
5732 | Radio, Television and Stereo Stores | |
5499 | Misc Food/Convenience Stores/Speciality Markets | |
5462 | Bakeries | |
5661 | Shoe Stores | |
All Other Categories | 4812 | Telecomm Equipment including Telephone Sales |
5722 | Household Appliance Stores | |
5047 | Dental/Laboratory/Medical/Ophthalmic Hospital Supp | |
5983 | Fuel dealers — fuel oil, wood, coal and liquefied petroleum | |
5137 | Men's, Women's, And Children's Uniforms | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Jan'24 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified |
6540 | Debit Card to wallet Credit | |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
4814 | Telecommunication Services | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores | |
5816 | Digital Goods: Games | |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
6300 | Insurance - Sales and Underwriting | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 8220 | Colleges,Universities,Professional Schools and Jr |
6513 | Real Estate Agents and Managers - Rentals | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
4784 | Toll and Bridge Fees | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services | |
4899 | Cable/Satellite/Other Pay Television/ Radio Srvcs | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
5964 | Direct Marketing--Catalog Merchants | |
All Other Categories | 4722 | Travel Agencies |
4131 | Bus Lines | |
8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools | |
4121 | Taxicabs and Limousines | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
5817 | Digital Good - Applications (Excluding Games) | |
5969 | Direct Marketing--Other Direct Marketers | |
4816 | Computer Network/Information Services | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
5311 | Department Stores |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Dec'23 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations(with out Ancillary services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
5813 | Drinking Places (Alcoholic Bev) - Bars, Taverns | |
9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5651 | Family Clothing Stores | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5912 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5814 | Fast Food Restaurants |
5944 | Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware Stores | |
7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5691 | Men's and Women's Clothing Stores | |
5462 | Bakeries | |
5499 | Misc Food/Convenience Stores/Speciality Markets | |
5661 | Shoe Stores | |
5732 | Radio, Television and Stereo Stores | |
4111 | Local/Suburbn Commuter Passngr Transport/Ferries | |
All Other Categories | 5722 | Household Appliance Stores |
5047 | Dental/Laboratory/Medical/Ophthalmic Hospital Supp | |
5137 | Men's, Women's, And Children's Uniforms | |
4812 | Telecomm Equipment including Telephone Sales | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
5983 | Fuel dealers — fuel oil, wood, coal and liquefied petroleum | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
5422 | Freezer, Locker Meat Provisioners | |
5441 | Candy, Nut, Confectionery Stores |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Dec'23 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 6540 | Debit Card to wallet Credit |
9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
4814 | Telecommunication Services | |
5816 | Digital Goods: Games | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores | |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 6513 | Real Estate Agents and Managers - Rentals |
6300 | Insurance - Sales and Underwriting | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
8220 | Colleges,Universities,Professional Schools and Jr | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services | |
4899 | Cable/Satellite/Other Pay Television/ Radio Srvcs | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
4784 | Toll and Bridge Fees | |
All Other Categories | 4722 | Travel Agencies |
8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools | |
4121 | Taxicabs and Limousines | |
5969 | Direct Marketing--Other Direct Marketers | |
8244 | Business and Secretarial Schools | |
4816 | Computer Network/Information Services | |
5817 | Digital Good - Applications (Excluding Games) | |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
5964 | Direct Marketing--Catalog Merchants | |
8241 | Correspondence Schools |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Nov'23 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified |
6540 | Debit Card to wallet Credit | |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores | |
5816 | Digital Goods: Games | |
4814 | Telecommunication Services | |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
8220 | Colleges,Universities,Professional Schools and Jr | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets |
6300 | Insurance - Sales and Underwriting | |
6513 | Real Estate Agents and Managers - Rentals | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services | |
4131 | Bus Lines | |
4111 | Local/Suburbn Commuter Passngr Transport/Ferries | |
4899 | Cable/Satellite/Other Pay Television/ Radio Srvcs | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
4784 | Toll and Bridge Fees | |
All Other Categories | 4722 | Travel Agencies |
4121 | Taxicabs and Limousines | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools | |
5817 | Digital Good - Applications (Excluding Games) | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
5969 | Direct Marketing--Other Direct Marketers | |
5964 | Direct Marketing--Catalog Merchants | |
5691 | Men's and Women's Clothing Stores | |
7994 | Video Game Arcades and Establishments |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Nov'23 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations(with out Ancillary services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
5813 | Drinking Places (Alcoholic Bev) - Bars, Taverns | |
5912 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5651 | Family Clothing Stores |
5944 | Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware Stores | |
5691 | Men's and Women's Clothing Stores | |
7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5732 | Radio, Television and Stereo Stores | |
5499 | Misc Food/Convenience Stores/Speciality Markets | |
5661 | Shoe Stores | |
5462 | Bakeries | |
4111 | Local/Suburbn Commuter Passngr Transport/Ferries | |
All Other Categories | 5722 | Household Appliance Stores |
4812 | Telecomm Equipment including Telephone Sales | |
5137 | Men's, Women's, And Children's Uniforms | |
5047 | Dental/Laboratory/Medical/Ophthalmic Hospital Supp | |
5983 | Fuel dealers - fuel oil, wood, coal and liquefied petroleum | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
5331 | Variety Stores |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Oct'23 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations(with out Ancillary services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5813 | Drinking Places (Alcoholic Bev) - Bars, Taverns | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
5912 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5651 | Family Clothing Stores |
5944 | Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware Stores | |
7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts | |
5691 | Men's and Women's Clothing Stores | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5732 | Radio, Television and Stereo Stores | |
4111 | Local/Suburbn Commuter Passngr Transport/Ferries | |
5499 | Misc Food/Convenience Stores/Speciality Markets | |
5462 | Bakeries | |
5661 | Shoe Stores | |
All Other Categories | 5722 | Household Appliance Stores |
4812 | Telecomm Equipment including Telephone Sales | |
5047 | Dental/Laboratory/Medical/Ophthalmic Hospital Supp | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
5137 | Men's, Women's, And Children's Uniforms | |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
5331 | Variety Stores |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Oct'23 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores | |
5816 | Digital Goods: Games | |
4814 | Telecommunication Services | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
8220 | Colleges,Universities,Professional Schools and Jr | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 6513 | Real Estate Agents and Managers - Rentals |
6300 | Insurance - Sales and Underwriting | |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
4899 | Cable/Satellite/Other Pay Television/ Radio Srvcs | |
4111 | Local/Suburbn Commuter Passngr Transport/Ferries | |
4722 | Travel Agencies | |
4784 | Toll and Bridge Fees | |
4131 | Bus Lines | |
All Other Categories | 8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
5817 | Digital Good - Applications (Excluding Games) | |
4816 | Computer Network/Information Services | |
4121 | Taxicabs and Limousines | |
7994 | Video Game Arcades and Establishments | |
5732 | Radio, Television and Stereo Stores | |
5691 | Men's and Women's Clothing Stores | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
7829 | Motion Picture And Video Production and Distributi |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Sep'23 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations(with out Ancillary services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5813 | Drinking Places (Alcoholic Bev) - Bars, Taverns | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5912 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5651 | Family Clothing Stores |
5944 | Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware Stores | |
7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5732 | Radio, Television and Stereo Stores | |
5691 | Men's and Women's Clothing Stores | |
5499 | Misc Food/Convenience Stores/Speciality Markets | |
4111 | Local/Suburbn Commuter Passngr Transport/Ferries | |
5462 | Bakeries | |
4812 | Telecomm Equipment including Telephone Sales | |
All Other Categories | 5722 | Household Appliance Stores |
5661 | Shoe Stores | |
5047 | Dental/Laboratory/Medical/Ophthalmic Hospital Supp | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
5331 | Variety Stores | |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
5511 | Auto and Truck Dealers(new and used) Sales,Service |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Sep'23 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
5816 | Digital Goods: Games | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores | |
4814 | Telecommunication Services | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
8220 | Colleges,Universities,Professional Schools and Jr | |
6300 | Insurance - Sales and Underwriting | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 6513 | Real Estate Agents and Managers - Rentals |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
4816 | Computer Network/Information Services | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
4899 | Cable/Satellite/Other Pay Television/ Radio Srvcs | |
4722 | Travel Agencies | |
4131 | Bus Lines | |
4784 | Toll and Bridge Fees | |
All Other Categories | 7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters |
7994 | Video Game Arcades and Establishments | |
8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools | |
4121 | Taxicabs and Limousines | |
5817 | Digital Good - Applications (Excluding Games) | |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
4214 | Motor Freight Carriers, Trucking:Local/Long Dist. | |
5965 | Direct Marketing--Combination Catalog And Retail | |
8244 | Business and Secretarial Schools | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Aug'23 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations(with out Ancillary services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
5813 | Drinking Places (Alcoholic Bev) - Bars, Taverns | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5912 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5651 | Family Clothing Stores |
5944 | Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware Stores | |
7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5691 | Men's and Women's Clothing Stores | |
5732 | Radio, Television and Stereo Stores | |
5499 | Misc Food/Convenience Stores/Speciality Markets | |
5462 | Bakeries | |
4812 | Telecomm Equipment including Telephone Sales | |
5722 | Household Appliance Stores | |
All Other Categories | 5661 | Shoe Stores |
5047 | Dental/Laboratory/Medical/Ophthalmic Hospital Supp | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
4111 | Local/Suburbn Commuter Passngr Transport/Ferries | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
5331 | Variety Stores | |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
8220 | Colleges,Universities,Professional Schools and Jr |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Aug'23 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores | |
5816 | Digital Goods: Games | |
4814 | Telecommunication Services | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
8220 | Colleges,Universities,Professional Schools and Jr | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
6513 | Real Estate Agents and Managers - Rentals | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 6300 | Insurance - Sales and Underwriting |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services | |
4816 | Computer Network/Information Services | |
4899 | Cable/Satellite/Other Pay Television/ Radio Srvcs | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
4722 | Travel Agencies | |
4784 | Toll and Bridge Fees | |
All Other Categories | 8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools |
5817 | Digital Good - Applications (Excluding Games) | |
4121 | Taxicabs and Limousines | |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
4131 | Bus Lines | |
8244 | Business and Secretarial Schools | |
7994 | Video Game Arcades and Establishments | |
4214 | Motor Freight Carriers, Trucking:Local/Long Dist. | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
5732 | Radio, Television and Stereo Stores |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Jul'23 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations(with out Ancillary services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
5813 | Drinking Places (Alcoholic Bev) - Bars, Taverns | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5912 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5651 | Family Clothing Stores |
7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts | |
5944 | Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware Stores | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5732 | Radio, Television and Stereo Stores | |
5691 | Men's and Women's Clothing Stores | |
5499 | Misc Food/Convenience Stores/Speciality Markets | |
4812 | Telecomm Equipment including Telephone Sales | |
5462 | Bakeries | |
5722 | Household Appliance Stores | |
All Other Categories | 5661 | Shoe Stores |
5047 | Dental/Laboratory/Medical/Ophthalmic Hospital Supp | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
5331 | Variety Stores | |
4111 | Local/Suburbn Commuter Passngr Transport/Ferries | |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
8220 | Colleges,Universities,Professional Schools and Jr |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Jul'23 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 9399 | Government Services, Not Elsewhere Classified |
4900 | Utilities-Electric/Gas/Heating Oil/Sanitary/Water | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores | |
5816 | Digital Goods: Games | |
8220 | Colleges,Universities,Professional Schools and Jr | |
4814 | Telecommunication Services | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
6300 | Insurance - Sales and Underwriting | |
5411 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 6513 | Real Estate Agents and Managers - Rentals |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services | |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services | |
4816 | Computer Network/Information Services | |
4899 | Cable/Satellite/Other Pay Television/ Radio Srvcs | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
4722 | Travel Agencies | |
8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools | |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
All Other Categories | 4121 | Taxicabs and Limousines |
7832 | Motion Pictures Theaters | |
5817 | Digital Good - Applications (Excluding Games) | |
4784 | Toll and Bridge Fees | |
4214 | Motor Freight Carriers, Trucking:Local/Long Dist. | |
5812 | Eating Places and Restaurants | |
5965 | Direct Marketing--Combination Catalog And Retail | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
7994 | Video Game Arcades and Establishments | |
5732 | Radio, Television and Stereo Stores |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Jun'23 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations (with or without Ancillary Services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores and Supermarkets | |
9399 | Government Services - not elsewhere classified | |
5812 | Eating Places, Restaurants | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
5813 | Bars, Cocktail Lounges, Discotheques, Nightclubs, and Taverns - Drinking Places(Alcoholic Beverages) | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5912 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5651 | Clothing - Family |
7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts - not elsewhere classified | |
5944 | Jewelry, Watch, Clock, and Silverware Stores | |
5732 | Electronic Sales | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5691 | Men`s and Women`s Clothing Stores | |
5499 | Miscellaneous Food Stores - Convenience Stores and Specialty Markets | |
4812 | Telecommunication Equipment Including Telephone Sales | |
5661 | Shoe Stores | |
5462 | Bakeries | |
All Other Categories | 5722 | Appliance Stores, Not Elsewhere Classified |
5983 | Fuel Dealers - Coal, Fuel Oil, Liquefied Petroleum, Wood | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services - not elsewhere classified | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
5331 | Variety Stores | |
7832 | Motion Picture Theaters | |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
4900 | Utilities - Electric, Gas, Sanitary, Water | |
Others |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Jun'23 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 9399 | Government Services - not elsewhere classified |
6540 | Poi (Point Of Interaction) Funding Transactions | |
4900 | Utilities - Electric, Gas, Sanitary, Water | |
4814 | Calls Through Use of Magnetic Stripe - Reading Telephones | |
5816 | Digital Goods-Games | |
8220 | Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools, and Junior Colleges | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 6300 | Insurance Sales, Underwriting, and Premiums |
5411 | Grocery Stores and Supermarkets | |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
6513 | Real Estate (e.g,rent) | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services | |
4816 | Computer Network/Information Services | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services - not elsewhere classified | |
4899 | Cable, Satellite, and Other Pay Television and Radio Services | |
4722 | Travel Agencies and Tour Operators | |
8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools | |
All Other Categories | 5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
4121 | Limousines and Taxicabs | |
5817 | Digital Goods-Software Applications(Excludes Games) | |
8244 | Schools, Business and Secretarial | |
4784 | Toll and Bridge Fees | |
4131 | Bus Lines | |
7832 | Motion Picture Theaters | |
7994 | Video Game Arcades and Establishments | |
Others |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - May'23 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations (with or without Ancillary Services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores and Supermarkets | |
9399 | Government Services - not elsewhere classified | |
5812 | Eating Places, Restaurants | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
5813 | Bars, Cocktail Lounges, Discotheques, Nightclubs, and Taverns - Drinking Places(Alcoholic Beverages) | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5912 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5651 | Clothing - Family |
7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts - not elsewhere classified | |
5732 | Electronic Sales | |
5944 | Jewelry, Watch, Clock, and Silverware Stores | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5691 | Men`s and Women`s Clothing Stores | |
4812 | Telecommunication Equipment Including Telephone Sales | |
5499 | Miscellaneous Food Stores - Convenience Stores and Specialty Markets | |
5722 | Appliance Stores, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5462 | Bakeries | |
All Other Categories | 5661 | Shoe Stores |
5983 | Fuel Dealers - Coal, Fuel Oil, Liquefied Petroleum, Wood | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services - not elsewhere classified | |
7832 | Motion Picture Theaters | |
5331 | Variety Stores | |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
4900 | Utilities - Electric, Gas, Sanitary, Water | |
Others |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - May'23 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 9399 | Government Services - not elsewhere classified |
6540 | Poi (Point Of Interaction) Funding Transactions | |
5816 | Digital Goods-Games | |
4814 | Calls Through Use of Magnetic Stripe - Reading Telephones | |
4900 | Utilities - Electric, Gas, Sanitary, Water | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise | |
8220 | Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools, and Junior Colleges | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
6300 | Insurance Sales, Underwriting, and Premiums | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5411 | Grocery Stores and Supermarkets |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services - not elsewhere classified | |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
6513 | Real Estate (e.g,rent) | |
4899 | Cable, Satellite, and Other Pay Television and Radio Services | |
4722 | Travel Agencies and Tour Operators | |
7994 | Video Game Arcades and Establishments | |
4131 | Bus Lines | |
All Other Categories | 5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores |
8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools | |
7832 | Motion Picture Theaters | |
4784 | Toll and Bridge Fees | |
4121 | Limousines and Taxicabs | |
7296 | Clothing Rental - Costumes, Uniforms, and Formal Wear | |
5817 | Digital Goods-Software Applications(Excludes Games) | |
5965 | Direct Marketing - Combination Catalog and Retail Merchants | |
5812 | Eating Places, Restaurants | |
Others |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Apr'23 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations (with or without Ancillary Services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores and Supermarkets | |
9399 | Government Services - not elsewhere classified | |
5812 | Eating Places, Restaurants | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
5813 | Bars, Cocktail Lounges, Discotheques, Nightclubs, and Taverns - Drinking Places(Alcoholic Beverages) | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5912 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5651 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts - not elsewhere classified |
5944 | Clothing - Family | |
7011 | Appliance Stores, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5732 | Electronic Sales | |
5814 | Jewelry, Watch, Clock, and Silverware Stores | |
5691 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5722 | Men`s and Women`s Clothing Stores | |
5499 | Miscellaneous Food Stores - Convenience Stores and Specialty Markets | |
4812 | Bakeries | |
5661 | Telecommunication Equipment Including Telephone Sales | |
All Other Categories | 5462 | Shoe Stores |
5983 | Fuel Dealers - Coal, Fuel Oil, Liquefied Petroleum, Wood | |
8299 | Tax Payments | |
9311 | Schools and Educational Services - not elsewhere classified | |
7832 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
5999 | Utilities - Electric, Gas, Sanitary, Water | |
5331 | Motion Picture Theaters | |
4900 | Variety Stores | |
Others |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Apr'23 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 9399 | Government Services - not elsewhere classified |
6540 | Poi (Point Of Interaction) Funding Transactions | |
5816 | Digital Goods-Games | |
4814 | Calls Through Use of Magnetic Stripe - Reading Telephones | |
4900 | Utilities - Electric, Gas, Sanitary, Water | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
8220 | Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools, and Junior Colleges | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5411 | Grocery Stores and Supermarkets | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 6300 | Insurance Sales, Underwriting, and Premiums |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services | |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
7296 | Clothing Rental - Costumes, Uniforms, and Formal Wear | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services - not elsewhere classified | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
6513 | Real Estate (e.g,rent) | |
7994 | Video Game Arcades and Establishments | |
4899 | Cable, Satellite, and Other Pay Television and Radio Services | |
All Other Categories | 4722 | Travel Agencies and Tour Operators |
8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools | |
4131 | Bus Lines | |
4784 | Limousines and Taxicabs | |
5812 | Eating Places, Restaurants | |
4121 | Limousines and Taxicabs | |
5965 | Direct Marketing - Combination Catalog and Retail Merchants | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
7832 | Motion Picture Theaters | |
Others |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Mar'23 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations (with or without Ancillary Services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores and Supermarkets | |
9399 | Government Services - not elsewhere classified | |
5812 | Eating Places, Restaurants | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
5813 | Bars, Cocktail Lounges, Discotheques, Nightclubs, and Taverns - Drinking Places(Alcoholic Beverages) | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5912 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts - not elsewhere classified |
5651 | Clothing - Family | |
5722 | Appliance Stores, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5732 | Electronic Sales | |
5944 | Jewelry, Watch, Clock, and Silverware Stores | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5691 | Men`s and Women`s Clothing Stores | |
5499 | Miscellaneous Food Stores - Convenience Stores and Specialty Markets | |
5462 | Bakeries | |
4812 | Telecommunication Equipment Including Telephone Sales | |
All Other Categories | 5661 | Shoe Stores |
5983 | Fuel Dealers - Coal, Fuel Oil, Liquefied Petroleum, Wood | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services - not elsewhere classified | |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
4900 | Utilities - Electric, Gas, Sanitary, Water | |
7832 | Motion Picture Theaters | |
5331 | Variety Stores | |
Others |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Mar'23 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 9399 | Government Services - not elsewhere classified |
6540 | Poi (Point Of Interaction) Funding Transactions | |
4814 | Calls Through Use of Magnetic Stripe - Reading Telephones | |
4900 | Utilities - Electric, Gas, Sanitary, Water | |
5816 | Digital Goods-Games | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
8220 | Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools, and Junior Colleges | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 6300 | Insurance Sales, Underwriting, and Premiums |
5411 | Grocery Stores and Supermarkets | |
7296 | Clothing Rental - Costumes, Uniforms, and Formal Wear | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services | |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services - not elsewhere classified | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
6513 | Real Estate (e.g,rent) | |
4899 | Cable, Satellite, and Other Pay Television and Radio Services | |
7994 | Video Game Arcades and Establishments | |
All Other Categories | 4722 | Travel Agencies and Tour Operators |
5812 | Eating Places, Restaurants | |
4784 | Toll and Bridge Fees | |
4121 | Limousines and Taxicabs | |
8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
5965 | Direct Marketing - Combination Catalog and Retail Merchants | |
5817 | Digital Goods-Software Applications(Excludes Games) | |
7832 | Motion Picture Theaters | |
Others |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Feb'23 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations (with or without Ancillary Services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores and Supermarkets | |
9399 | Government Services - not elsewhere classified | |
5812 | Eating Places, Restaurants | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
5813 | Bars, Cocktail Lounges, Discotheques, Nightclubs, and Taverns - Drinking Places(Alcoholic Beverages) | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5912 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts - not elsewhere classified |
5944 | Jewelry, Watch, Clock, and Silverware Stores | |
5722 | Appliance Stores, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5651 | Clothing - Family | |
5732 | Electronic Sales | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5691 | Men`s and Women`s Clothing Stores | |
5499 | Miscellaneous Food Stores - Convenience Stores and Specialty Markets | |
5462 | Bakeries | |
5661 | Shoe Stores | |
All Other Categories | 5983 | Fuel Dealers - Coal, Fuel Oil, Liquefied Petroleum, Wood |
4812 | Telecommunication Equipment Including Telephone Sales | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services - not elsewhere classified | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
7832 | Motion Picture Theaters | |
4900 | Utilities - Electric, Gas, Sanitary, Water | |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
5331 | Variety Stores | |
Others |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Feb'23 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 9399 | Government Services - not elsewhere classified |
6540 | Poi (Point Of Interaction) Funding Transactions | |
4814 | Calls Through Use of Magnetic Stripe - Reading Telephones | |
5816 | Digital Goods-Games | |
4900 | Utilities - Electric, Gas, Sanitary, Water | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
8220 | Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools, and Junior Colleges | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 6300 | Insurance Sales, Underwriting, and Premiums |
5411 | Grocery Stores and Supermarkets | |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services | |
4899 | Cable, Satellite, and Other Pay Television and Radio Services | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services - not elsewhere classified | |
6513 | Real Estate (e.g,rent) | |
7994 | Video Game Arcades and Establishments | |
7296 | Clothing Rental - Costumes, Uniforms, and Formal Wear | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
All Other Categories | 4722 | Travel Agencies and Tour Operators |
8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools | |
5812 | Eating Places, Restaurants | |
4121 | Limousines and Taxicabs | |
7999 | Recreation Services - not elsewhere classified | |
7832 | Motion Picture Theaters | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
4784 | Toll and Bridge Fees | |
5965 | Direct Marketing - Combination Catalog and Retail Merchants | |
Others |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Jan'23 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations (with or without Ancillary Services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores and Supermarkets | |
9399 | Government Services - not elsewhere classified | |
5812 | Eating Places, Restaurants | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5813 | Bars, Cocktail Lounges, Discotheques, Nightclubs, and Taverns - Drinking Places(Alcoholic Beverages) | |
5912 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5651 | Clothing - Family |
7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts - not elsewhere classified | |
5722 | Appliance Stores, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5691 | Men`s and Women`s Clothing Stores | |
5944 | Jewelry, Watch, Clock, and Silverware Stores | |
5983 | Fuel Dealers - Coal, Fuel Oil, Liquefied Petroleum, Wood | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5732 | Electronic Sales | |
5499 | Miscellaneous Food Stores - Convenience Stores and Specialty Markets | |
5661 | Shoe Stores | |
All Other Categories | 5462 | Bakeries |
4812 | Telecommunication Equipment Including Telephone Sales | |
7832 | Motion Picture Theaters | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services - not elsewhere classified | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
4900 | Utilities - Electric, Gas, Sanitary, Water | |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
5251 | Automobile and Truck Dealers - Sales, Service, Repairs, Parts, and Leasing | |
Others |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Jan'23 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 9399 | Government Services - not elsewhere classified |
6540 | Poi (Point Of Interaction) Funding Transactions | |
4814 | Calls Through Use of Magnetic Stripe - Reading Telephones | |
4900 | Utilities - Electric, Gas, Sanitary, Water | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise | |
7999 | Recreation Services - not elsewhere classified | |
8220 | Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools, and Junior Colleges | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 7296 | Clothing Rental - Costumes, Uniforms, and Formal Wear |
6300 | Insurance Sales, Underwriting, and Premiums | |
5411 | Grocery Stores and Supermarkets | |
5816 | Digital Goods-Games | |
4899 | Cable, Satellite, and Other Pay Television and Radio Services | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services | |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services - not elsewhere classified | |
4722 | Travel Agencies and Tour Operators | |
6513 | Real Estate (e.g,rent) | |
All Other Categories | 5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores |
7994 | Video Game Arcades and Establishments | |
7832 | Motion Picture Theaters | |
8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools | |
5812 | Eating Places, Restaurants | |
4121 | Limousines and Taxicabs | |
4784 | Toll and Bridge Fees | |
5965 | Direct Marketing - Combination Catalog and Retail Merchants | |
4131 | Bus Lines | |
Others |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Dec'22 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations (with or without Ancillary Services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores and Supermarkets | |
5812 | Eating Places, Restaurants | |
9399 | Government Services - not elsewhere classified | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5813 | Bars, Cocktail Lounges, Discotheques, Nightclubs, and Taverns - Drinking Places(Alcoholic Beverages) | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5912 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5651 | Clothing - Family |
7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts - not elsewhere classified | |
5691 | Fuel Dealers - Coal, Fuel Oil, Liquefied Petroleum, Wood | |
5722 | Jewelry, Watch, Clock, and Silverware Stores | |
5983 | Men`s and Women`s Clothing Stores | |
5814 | Appliance Stores, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5944 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5499 | Miscellaneous Food Stores - Convenience Stores and Specialty Markets | |
5462 | Shoe Stores | |
5661 | Bakeries | |
All Other Categories | 5732 | Electronic Sales |
4812 | Telecommunication Equipment Including Telephone Sales | |
7832 | Motion Picture Theaters | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services - not elsewhere classified | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
4900 | Utilities - Electric, Gas, Sanitary, Water | |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
5511 | Automobile and Truck Dealers - Sales, Service, Repairs, Parts, and Leasing | |
Others |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Dec'22 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 9399 | Government Services - not elsewhere classified |
6540 | Poi (Point Of Interaction) Funding Transactions | |
4814 | Calls Through Use of Magnetic Stripe - Reading Telephones | |
7999 | Recreation Services - not elsewhere classified | |
4900 | Utilities - Electric, Gas, Sanitary, Water | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
7296 | Clothing Rental - Costumes, Uniforms, and Formal Wear | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
8220 | Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools, and Junior Colleges | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 6300 | Insurance Sales, Underwriting, and Premiums |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5411 | Grocery Stores and Supermarkets | |
4899 | Cable, Satellite, and Other Pay Television and Radio Services | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services - not elsewhere classified | |
5816 | Digital Goods-Games | |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
5732 | Electronic Sales | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
All Other Categories | 6513 | Real Estate (e.g,rent) |
7994 | Video Game Arcades and Establishments | |
4722 | Travel Agencies and Tour Operators | |
5812 | Eating Places, Restaurants | |
8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools | |
7832 | Motion Picture Theaters | |
4121 | Limousines and Taxicabs | |
5651 | Clothing - Family | |
5965 | Direct Marketing - Combination Catalog and Retail Merchants | |
Others |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Nov'22 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations (with or without Ancillary Services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores and Supermarkets | |
5812 | Eating Places, Restaurants | |
9399 | Government Services - not elsewhere classified | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
5813 | Bars, Cocktail Lounges, Discotheques, Nightclubs, and Taverns - Drinking Places(Alcoholic Beverages) | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5912 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts - not elsewhere classified |
5651 | Clothing - Family | |
5983 | Fuel Dealers - Coal, Fuel Oil, Liquefied Petroleum, Wood | |
5944 | Jewelry, Watch, Clock, and Silverware Stores | |
5691 | Men`s and Women`s Clothing Stores | |
5722 | Appliance Stores, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5499 | Miscellaneous Food Stores - Convenience Stores and Specialty Markets | |
5661 | Shoe Stores | |
5462 | Bakeries | |
All Other Categories | 5732 | Electronic Sales |
4812 | Telecommunication Equipment Including Telephone Sales | |
7832 | Motion Picture Theaters | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services - not elsewhere classified | |
4900 | Utilities - Electric, Gas, Sanitary, Water | |
9311 | Tax Payments | |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
5251 | Hardware Stores | |
Others |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Nov'22 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 9399 | Government Services - not elsewhere classified |
6540 | Poi (Point Of Interaction) Funding Transactions | |
4814 | Calls Through Use of Magnetic Stripe - Reading Telephones | |
7999 | Recreation Services - not elsewhere classified | |
4900 | Utilities - Electric, Gas, Sanitary, Water | |
5732 | Electronic Sales | |
8220 | Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools, and Junior Colleges | |
7296 | Clothing Rental - Costumes, Uniforms, and Formal Wear | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise |
6300 | Insurance Sales, Underwriting, and Premiums | |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
4899 | Cable, Satellite, and Other Pay Television and Radio Services | |
5411 | Grocery Stores and Supermarkets | |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services - not elsewhere classified | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services | |
5999 | Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores | |
5816 | Digital Goods-Games | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores | |
All Other Categories | 6513 | Real Estate (e.g,rent) |
4722 | Travel Agencies and Tour Operators | |
7994 | Video Game Arcades and Establishments | |
5812 | Eating Places, Restaurants | |
8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools | |
7832 | Motion Picture Theaters | |
4784 | Toll and Bridge Fees | |
4121 | Limousines and Taxicabs | |
5965 | Direct Marketing - Combination Catalog and Retail Merchants | |
Others |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Oct'22 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations (With Or Without Ancillary Services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores And Supermarkets | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel And Accessory Stores | |
5812 | Eating Places, Restaurants | |
9399 | Government Services - Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5813 | Bars, Cocktail Lounges, Discotheques, Nightclubs, And Taverns - Drinking Places(Alcoholic Beverages) | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5912 | Drug Stores And Pharmacies | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5651 | Clothing - Family |
5944 | Jewelry, Watch, Clock, And Silverware Stores | |
5691 | Men`S And Women`S Clothing Stores | |
7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts - Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5722 | Appliance Stores, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5983 | Fuel Dealers - Coal, Fuel Oil, Liquefied Petroleum, Wood | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5499 | Miscellaneous Food Stores - Convenience Stores And Specialty Markets | |
5462 | Bakeries | |
4812 | Telecommunication Equipment Including Telephone Sales | |
All Other Categories | 5661 | Shoe Stores |
5732 | Electronic Sales | |
7832 | Dental/Laboratory/Medical/Ophthal/Hospital Equipment And Supplies | |
5047 | Motion Picture Theaters | |
8299 | Schools And Educational Services - Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5999 | Utilities - Electric, Gas, Sanitary, Water | |
4900 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise | |
5094 | Precious Stones and Metals, Watches and Jewelry | |
5251 | Hardware Stores | |
Others |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Oct'22 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 6540 | Poi (Point Of Interaction) Funding Transactions |
9399 | Government Services - Not Elsewhere Classified | |
4814 | Calls Through Use Of Magnetic Stripe - Reading Telephones | |
7999 | Recreation Services - Not Elsewhere Classified | |
4900 | Utilities - Electric, Gas, Sanitary, Water | |
5732 | Electronic Sales | |
8220 | Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools, And Junior Colleges | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified |
7296 | Clothing Rental - Costumes, Uniforms, And Formal Wear | |
4899 | Cable, Satellite, And Other Pay Television And Radio Services | |
6300 | Insurance Sales, Underwriting, And Premiums | |
5411 | Grocery Stores And Supermarkets | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise And Services | |
5816 | Digital Goods-Games | |
5999 | Miscellaneous And Specialty Retail Stores | |
8299 | Schools And Educational Services - Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel And Accessory Stores | |
All Other Categories | 6513 | Real Estate (E.G,Rent) |
4722 | Travel Agencies And Tour Operators | |
7832 | Motion Picture Theaters | |
7994 | Video Game Arcades And Establishments | |
8999 | Professional Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
8211 | Elementary And Secondary Schools | |
4121 | Limousines And Taxicabs | |
4784 | Toll And Bridge Fees | |
5812 | Eating Places, Restaurants | |
Others |
UPI Merchant Category-wise Classification - Oct'22 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5411 | Groceries and supermarkets |
4814 | Telecommunication services, including local and long distance calls, credit card calls, calls through use of magnetic stripe reading telephones and faxes | |
5812 | Eating places and restaurants | |
7299 | Miscellaneous personal services not elsewhere classified | |
5816 | Digital Goods – Games | |
5541 | Service stations (with or without ancillary services) | |
5814 | Fast food restaurants | |
5499 | Miscellaneous food shops convenience and speciality retail outlets | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5912 | Drug Stores And Pharmacies | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5999 | Miscellaneous and speciality retail outlets |
5462 | Bakeries | |
5399 | Miscellaneous general merchandise | |
4900 | Utilities - electric, gas, water and sanitary | |
7322 | Debt collection agencies | |
6540 | Debit card to wallet credit (Wallet top up)* | |
5813 | Drinking places (alcoholic beverages) - bars, taverns, night-clubs, cocktail lounges and discothèques | |
5451 | Dairies | |
6012 | Financial institutions - merchandise and services | |
5699 | Miscellaneous apparel and accessory shops | |
All Other Categories | 7399 | Business services not elsewhere classified |
4899 | Cable and other pay television services | |
4214 | Motor freight carriers and trucking - local and long distance, moving and storage companies and local delivery | |
5732 | Electronics shops | |
6211 | Securities - brokers and dealers | |
9399 | Government services - not elsewhere classified | |
8999 | Professional services not elsewhere classified | |
5422 | Freezer and locker meat provisioners | |
7230 | Beauty and barber shops | |
Others |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Sep'22 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations (With Or Without Ancillary Services) |
5411 | Grocery Stores And Supermarkets | |
5812 | Eating Places, Restaurants | |
9399 | Government Services - Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel And Accessory Stores | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5921 | Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor | |
5813 | Bars, Cocktail Lounges, Discotheques, Nightclubs, And Taverns - Drinking Places(Alcoholic Beverages) | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
5912 | Drug Stores And Pharmacies | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5651 | Clothing - Family |
7011 | Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts - Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5691 | Men`S And Women`S Clothing Stores | |
5983 | Fuel Dealers - Coal, Fuel Oil, Liquefied Petroleum, Wood | |
5944 | Jewelry, Watch, Clock, And Silverware Stores | |
5722 | Appliance Stores, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5499 | Miscellaneous Food Stores - Convenience Stores And Specialty Markets | |
5462 | Bakeries | |
5661 | Shoe Stores | |
All Other Categories | 4812 | Telecommunication Equipment And Telephone Sales |
5732 | Electronic Sales | |
5047 | Dental/Laboratory/Medical/Ophthal/Hospital Equipment And Supplies | |
7832 | Motion Picture Theaters | |
8299 | Schools And Educational Services - Not Elsewhere Classified | |
4900 | Utilities - Electric, Gas, Sanitary, Water | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise | |
5999 | Miscellaneous And Specialty Retail Stores | |
5331 | Variety Stores | |
Others |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Sep'22 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 9399 | Government Services - Not Elsewhere Classified |
6540 | Wallet | |
4814 | Calls Through Use Of Magnetic Stripe - Reading Telephones | |
7999 | Recreation Services - Not Elsewhere Classified | |
4900 | Utilities - Electric, Gas, Sanitary, Water | |
5732 | Electronic Sales | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise | |
7399 | Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | |
8220 | Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools, And Junior Colleges | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5814 | Fast Food Restaurants |
6300 | Insurance Sales, Underwriting, And Premiums | |
4899 | Cable, Satellite, And Other Pay Television And Radio Services | |
5411 | Grocery Stores And Supermarkets | |
7296 | Clothing Rental - Costumes, Uniforms, And Formal Wear | |
5816 | Digital Goods-Games | |
6012 | Financial Institutions - Merchandise And Services | |
5999 | Miscellaneous And Specialty Retail Stores | |
8299 | Schools And Educational Services - Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel And Accessory Stores | |
All Other Categories | 4722 | Travel Agencies And Tour Operators |
4784 | Toll And Bridge Fees | |
6513 | Real Estate (E.G,Rent) | |
5812 | Eating Places, Restaurants | |
7994 | Video Game Arcades And Establishments | |
8211 | Elementary And Secondary Schools | |
4121 | Limousines And Taxicabs | |
7832 | Motion Picture Theaters | |
5499 | Miscellaneous Food Stores - Convenience Stores And Specialty Markets | |
Others |
POS Merchant Category-wise Classification - Aug'22 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 5541 | Service Stations (With Or Without Ancillary Services) |
5411 | Groceries And Supermarkets | |
5812 | Eating Places And Restaurants | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel And Accessory Shops | |
5921 | Package Shops Beer, Wine And Liquor | |
9399 | Government Services Not Elsewhere Classified | |
8062 | Hospitals | |
5813 | Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages) Bars, Taverns, Nightclubs, Cocktail Lounges And Discotheques | |
5912 | Drug Store And Pharmacies | |
5311 | Department Stores | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5651 | Family Clothing Shops |
7011 | Lodging Hotels, Motels And Resorts | |
5691 | Mens And Womens Clothing Shops | |
5944 | Jewellery, Watch, Clock And Silverware Shops | |
5983 | Fuel Dealers Fuel Oil, Wood, Coal And Liquefied Petroleum | |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
5722 | Household Appliance Shops | |
5499 | Miscellaneous Food Shops Convenience And Speciality Retail Outlets | |
5462 | Bakeries | |
5661 | Shoe Shops | |
All Other Categories | 4812 | Telecommunication Equipment And Telephone Sales |
5732 | Electronics Shops | |
5047 | Dental/Laboratory/Medical/Ophthalmic Hospital Equipment And Supplies | |
7832 | Motion Picture Theatres | |
8299 | Schools And Educational Services Not Elsewhere Classified | |
4900 | Utilities Electric, Gas, Water And Sanitary | |
5331 | Variety Stores | |
5999 | Miscellaneous And Speciality Retail Outlets | |
5251 | Hardware Shops | |
Other |
ECOM Merchant Category-wise Classification - Aug'22 | ||
Classification | MCC | Description |
High Transacting Categories | 9399 | Government Services Not Elsewhere Classified |
6540 | Poi (Point Of Interaction) Funding Transactions | |
4814 | Telecommunication Services, Including Local And Long Distance Calls | |
7999 | Recreation Services Not Elsewhere Classified | |
4900 | Utilities Electric, Gas, Water And Sanitary | |
5732 | Electronics Shops | |
4112 | Passenger Railways | |
7399 | Business Services Not Elsewhere Classified | |
6012 | Financial Institutions Merchandise And Services | |
8220 | Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools And Junior Colleges | |
Medium Transacting Categories | 5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise |
5814 | Fast Food Restaurants | |
6300 | Insurance Sales, Underwriting And Premiums | |
4899 | Cable And Other Pay Television Services | |
5411 | Groceries And Supermarkets | |
8299 | Schools And Educational Services Not Elsewhere Classified | |
5816 | Digital Goods: Games | |
7296 | Clothing Rentals Costumes, Uniforms And Formal Wear | |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel And Accessory Shops | |
4722 | Travel Agencies And Tour Operators | |
All Other Categories | 5999 | Miscellaneous And Speciality Retail Outlets |
7994 | Video Game Arcades And Establishments | |
6513 | Real Estate Agents And Managers Rentals | |
5812 | Eating Places And Restaurants | |
8211 | Elementary And Secondary Schools | |
5499 | Miscellaneous Food Shops Convenience And Speciality Retail Outlets | |
4121 | Taxicabs And Limousines | |
7832 | Motion Picture Theatres | |
4214 | Motor Freight Carriers And Trucking , Local And Long Distance, Moving | |
Other |