NPCI has launched UPI Number which is an additional payment address consisting of user own 10-digit mobile number or 8-9-digit number user can choose. UPI Number can be used as alias to alphanumeric UPI Id (abc@PSP) to make seamless transactions and it can be created post generating UPI ID.
UPI Number will be an 8 -10-digit number and can be classified as below –
Today, many PSPs/TPAPs use mobile number in alias to UPI Id for person-to-person and person-to-merchant payments, however users do not feel the interoperability between them. Mobile number as UPI Number will become interoperable and can be used for payments across the ecosystem.
UPI Number will further simplify UPI payments as user will have to only enter the payee’s UPI Number instead of their alphanumeric UPI ID. In addition to this, once a user creates the UPI Number, user can seamlessly receive payments from any UPI application.
Yes, it is mandatory to have UPI Id for getting a UPI Number
UPI Number will allow easy and interoperable payment using only mobile number and will also facilitate feature phone-based payments, where it is difficult to provide alphanumeric input.
A customer will have choice to decide any 8-9 digits number of his choice as UPI Number. A customer can also choose his own ten-digit mobile number as UPI Number. UPI Number should not start with zero and customer is not allowed to choose a number with all the same digits (0-9) as their UPI Number.
No, a customer can only choose a 8-9 digit number or his own ten-digit mobile number.
UPI Apps will give option to user to create UPI Number. UPI Number will be created after the user consent.
A customer can link multiple UPI Number with his UPI Id. i.e. a customer can link both UPI Number (of his choice) and Mobile Number as UPI Number
No, one UPI Number can be linked with only one UPI ID.
Yes, it can be done but first user will have to confirm that he wants to delink his earlier UPI Number from the linked UPI Id and then only he can link it with another UPI Id.
Yes, a customer can do it. PSP must take customer consent before deregistering UPI Number